In Ukraine, after the full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation, pro-Russian parties were banned. These political forces have been promoting Russian narratives and destabilizing the situation for years.

So far, 18 political parties have been banned. Most of them were active in the pre-election period: their pre-election funds were filled with money, there was a lot of campaigning, and offices were active.

After banning the activities of these political forces, all their property must be confiscated in favour of the state budget by law. As it turned out during our research, the parties do not have much such property in the Kirovohrad region. There are only a few apartments and small balances on the accounts of political parties. Moreover, the real estate belonged to communists and socialists.

Judging by this, the activities of these parties did not have a systemic character, which is inherent in real political forces, but were only fueled in the pre-election period to fan pro-Russian sentiments.