In Lutsk, entrepreneurs, architects, urban planners and IT specialists have united to create Urban Vision Lutsk – a plan for the development and renewal of the city for the future. Specialists from Lviv and Amsterdam were brought in for this, and they are actively trying to involve the city community. The initiators are convinced that it is possible to project bold plans for the future even in conditions of full-scale war and economic difficulties.
We spoke with the initiators, sponsors, and executors of the project to find out what kind of vision they have for the future development of Lutsk and how they are going to achieve its realization.
As a result, they have already published the results of an urban survey of the city and a sociological survey of, as they declare, more than 1,000 residents. Based on this, urban planners form a list of recommendations for future development.
In particular, they call for the development of the city’s embankment over the Styr River, more efficient use and preservation of green areas, and community education so that people demand higher standards from developers.
Despite the full-scale war, the initiators are convinced that it is time to develop plans for the future. Significant challenges make the community, business, and government flexible in the face of inevitable changes. In addition, Lutsk, which is relatively far from the war front line, can become one of the new centers of recovery and development.