Bilhorod is the closest large Russian city to Kharkiv, so after the liberation of Kharkiv region it turned into a refuge for a whole group of fugitives of the occupiers. The so-called “Military–Civilian Administration of the Kharkiv region” led by the traitor Vitaly Ganchev conducts its activities from there. The clergy who helped the Russians during the occupation of the region fled here. The Youth Movement of the Kharkiv Region “Time of the First” was also created there. The organization is another element of the information war of the Russian Federation against Ukraine, which is already actively trying to influence the heads of that part of the Kharkiv youth who do not have clearly expressed pro-Ukrainian views.
Among the curators of the youth movement are representatives of the Kharkiv region, as well as the occupiers accomplices. They lived for years in the territories of the Donetsk and Luhansk regions not controlled by Ukraine.
As for the participants of the movement, they are mainly children from the Kharkiv region who were taken to Russia.
The idea of the movement is reminiscent of the Soviet pioneers, however, now they are promoting “Russian world” in Ukraine.