The issue of introducing an e-ticket in Ukraine has somewhat slowed down. Some cities have completely stopped this reform, and some have partially suspended it. Among the latter is the city of Khmelnytskyi, in which the transport reform was not fully implemented. We already wrote about it earlier in a separate article. Briefly, there have been two phases of reform in general, and the two involving private carriers have been put on hold by a full-scale invasion.
However, this should change already in May 2024, because all carriers must switch to a cashless form of fare payment. Now it will apply not only to the regional center, but also to the Khmelnytskyi urban territorial community in general.
It is planned to implement the system within 3 months, starting from February 1, 2024.
After the presentation of “CITICARD SYSTEM” LLC, the tender committee decided to identify it as the winner and conclude a 10-year contract.
By the way, according to the terms of the winner, 3 months after the completion of the installation and its launch, the cash flow system must be prohibited in the Khmelnytskyi urban territorial community.
Therefore, from February 1, 2024, a new operator will work in the Khmelnytskyi City Territorial Community, which will ensure the operation of the electronic ticket, and after the installation of the equipment and the launch of the system, cash fares in public transport should be prohibited.