At the end of May, a tragic incident occurred with a closed shelter during another Russian attack in Kyiv. This event brought to the fore the issue of safe shelters throughout the country. Officials and administration, who paid little attention to the condition of the shelters, now inspect, instruct, dismiss, punish and promise. In Kharkiv, at the end of June, the mayor of the city, Ihor Terekhov, reacted to the statement of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine (NSDC), which assessed the state of shelters in the city as unsatisfactory. He fired the official, responsible for this process, and directly admitted on the air of a national telethon that the city has the worst situation with the preparation of shelters in the country.
The investigation states that not only the dismissed official, but also the entire city council, including Ihor Terekhov, is to blame for the unprepared protective structures. After all, officials did not care about the condition of shelters, did not allocate money for repairs. In 5 months of 2023, officials did not spend a single hryvnia on the repair of shelters in Kharkiv multi-storey buildings.